
Worldspawn is a Quake archive mostly for custom maps, models and level editing tutorials.
The word worldspawn is the name for the main entity in each map. It is known to every Quake level designer.
At the end of 2006 there was such a huge amount of maps for Quake III Defrag that the first idea of archiving them properly was born.
With the first hoster DerJamster it was only a directory for Defrag maps and did expand to what it is now.
Amongst other things a Quake 3 maps and Quake III arena model (Q3A skin) database.

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Bh44Ltechnical assistance
eS nightmaretechnical assistance, testing, hosting
HKtechnical assistance, testing
Neti Netwalkertechnical assistance, hosting
j0n3technical assistance, testing
benjaminauertechnical assistance
Bliccerassistance, testing


CzechČeskybbv, cpu, s0t3k_
DutchNederlandsBorisXIV, CaNaBiS, Genesis, MeLGibbsEm
FrenchFrançaisALN, sOuSiX, TouLouZ
ItalianItalianoPav, Tux
LithuanianLietuviškaiadamku5, MaTeL1S, proto, W65B61S
PolishPolskiAL|EN, Milosz, vic
RussianРусскийEKSelenc, moviegear, thrasher, wixus
SpanishEspañolaDN|j0n3, Bliccer, lucifer
SwedishSvenskan1k, Vanne


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